A startling number of sex therapists have started recommending pornography to patients. It is not a new phenomenon, sex therapy and pornography have a long interconnected history, and trained psychologists and sexologists present the old wine in a new bottle. But more concerns are advocated about harms associated with pornography. Questions are arising about psychoanalysis which promotes gender inequality and restricts the sexual independence of women. Use of mainstream pornographic is an integral part of the training program of therapists, diagnosis, and treatment. Earlier use of pornography in treating patients was fairly ghastly. Click for more info about how pornography was used to treat patients.
In1970s, pornography was used to change the sexual preference of homosexual men. A subject was exposed to homosexual pornographic video and then restricted to drink water for eighteen long hours. The person was allowed to drink water only when he showed an increased sexual response to heterosexual porn. The author of this practice advocated this kind of therapy would induce stronger erections while viewing heterosexual pornography.
Treatment trials continued in the 1970s till homosexuality was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. By the 1980s use of pornography was modified from trying to convert a gay into a heterosexual person; it was subtlety used to transform a lesbian into heterosexuality. Pornography became a vital part of treating sexual dysfunction, particularly for inhibition or anorgasmia. Practically, pornography became a tool to treat women unwilling to have sex with a male partner or not to experience orgasm during lovemaking.
A recent study conducted in 2008 shows around a third of trained sex therapists in the US, using pornography to treat patients, even the content involves violent, abusive sex practices. Sex therapists suggest pornography can open a new horizon of sexual experience, which he or she might though distasteful or unethical. Some sex therapists mooted female-friendly pornography can be more effective. But even in female-friendly or feminist porn, there are a lot of violent sexual content. They overlook the fact pornography is a commercial sexual act; the financial reward is the primary aim. It is staged for the dollar, not for mutual pleasure. When medical professionals prescribe porno as a healing process, they diminish the space for reasonable objection to porn consumption in a healthy, loving heterosexual relationship.